
Offida Food

Products and typical dishes

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“In Offida you can eat well without spending much”. This is a saying used in the past by neighbour towns and it still perfectly sums up the quality of Offida gastronomy. The specialities belong to the Marche cuisine: noodles, tagliatelle with liver, lasagne, stewed beans with pigskin, dried cod with potatoes, stockfish with spicy sauce, mixed grilled meat, stuffed olives and fried custard (cremini).
Typical Offida specialities are “Li Taccù” (noodles to be cooked in broth or dry with tomato sauce), sauced rabbit and “Ncipp nciapp” chicken, “Chichì Ripieno” (a very tasty stuffed focaccia) and “Funghetti” (cakes made of flour, sugar and anise).

Typical products


Offida “Funghetto”

A very simple cake made of water, sugar, flour and anise, named after its little mushroom-like shape. It is a product exclusively from Offida, typical and genuine, Offida bakers’ boast and that’s why they jealously keep the recipe secret from generation to generation.

Depending on the thickness of the dough and on the baking we can distinguish two kinds of Offida Funghetto: the traditional one, which presents a harder dough in the shape of a circle ‘rosetta’ (little rose), and the softer one, with the mushroom-like shape.

During an extraordinary meeting of the Town Council on 15th July 2015, Offida Funghetto has officially become a DE.C.O (Municipal Denomination of Origin). This means that the Funghetto must be produced within Offida territory. Otherwise, the brand “Funghetto di Offida” can be granted subject to authorization by a special Committee.


Il Chichì Ripieno

A very savoury and tasty “focaccia” (kind of flat bread) stuffed with tuna, anchovies, artichokes and peppers. Excellent as a snack or with appetizers and typical hors d’oeuvre dishes.


Typical dishes


Li Taccù

A very simple dish, very common over the last century. A kind of rather big thin noodles mixed without eggs, but only with water and flour. You can cook them in various ways: in broth with onions and bacon lightly fried in oil or dry and flavoured with tomato sauce.

Ncipp Nciapp chicken

A very simple and tasty chicken-stew browned in a frying pan and flavoured with garlic and rosemary.

Rabbit in sauce

A very tasty rabbit-stew, flavoured with peppers, anchovies, parsley, capers, olives and artichokes sauce.
